Earn 7% recurring commissions
on every purchase made from your referral link


Are you a passionate reviewer, content creator, or media network? Have you ever told your friends about zgrills.com? We've got news for you - you're an affiliate!

All you need to do is to join our Affiliate Program by signing up with Affiliatly. If you promote Z Grills on your blog, your YouTube channel, your Insta profile, or your website, and one of your friends or followers buys something, we will pay you!

Wondering how much you could make? Sky's the limit!

Our top affiliate earned over $9,500 per month!

Registering is absolutely FREE! Register now to get your unique links and start earning!

Why Should You Apply for Our Affiliate Program?

   We pay the most in the grill industry! Commission rate for content publishers and influencers starts from 7%.

   Our AOV (average order value) is over $500 and the conversion rate is very high.

   Banners, coupons, text links available, and further assets provided as necessary.

   We pay out longer! We use a 30-day cookie. Commission can be earned up to 30 days after the first visit.

   Dedicated publisher support. Feel free to contact us at affiliate@zgrills.com if you have any questions or need any support.

   Real-time tracking and reporting. You can check your earnings in real time.

   Newsletter updates about ALL you need to know for your affiliate activity.

3 Simple Steps to Become a Zgrills Affiliate

Join now

Sign up with Affiliatly for free.

Spread the word

Whether it’s through a blog, video, or social media (such as Insta profile, Facebook post, etc), or in a link, spread the word about Z Grills.

Get paid

When your friends buy through your link, we pay you a commission rate starting from 7%.


As an industry-leading manufacturer for more than 30 years, Z Grills manufactured grills, kitchen equipment, and outdoor products for several top brands in the industry. The Z Grills brand was launched in 2016, and now Z Grills is one of the most respected brands in the pellet grill industry.

Utilizing our vast grill manufacturing experience and continuous innovation, Z Grills has quickly become the best pellet grills with more than 500% yearly sales growth. We have received tons of great reviews among media sites, BBQ influencers, and Z Grills customers.

At Z Grills, we engineer and build products with our customers in mind. It is our goal to make grilling easier and more enjoyable for our customers by providing them with innovative pellet grills that are dependable, long-lasting, easy to operate, and more importantly, affordable.


Q: What if one of my friends clicks on a link to Zgrills.com that I send her/him and makes a purchase?

A: We pay you 7% for helping us find her/him!

Q: What if I send my friend to Zgrills.com using my link and she browses around but doesn't buy anything for a month — but then does!

A: That’s OK! Affiliatly keeps a record of her visit and you’ll get paid as long as she purchases within 30 days!

Q: Does Z Grills provide free products in exchange for exposure on social media?

A: Sometimes. Before we can do so we would need to be very confident that such exposure would result in sales well in excess of the cost of the product.

Q: Will I get commission if my referred friend buys a Z Grills Pellet Grill from Amazon or other dealers?

A: NO. Z Grills Affiliate Program only applies to Zgrills.com.

More Questions? Please contact us by emailing: affiliate@zgrills.com

*Z Grills does not allow affiliate self-referred sales, any affiliate caught doing this can be suspended from the affiliate program.